- TrikonintegratesblockchaintechnologytorevolutionizeWeb3gaming.
- TheTrikonBoosterProgramsupportsgamedeveloperswithupto$1millioninfunding.
- Theprogramincludescampaignsforgamedevelopment,visibility,andinvestorrelations.
- Selectedprojectsgainfinancialbacking,mentorship,andaccesstoTrikon’snetwork.
Introducing Trikon:LeadingtheChargeinWeb3Gaming
Trikon is pioneering the future ofWeb3gaming by integrating blockchain technology to transform theindustry.We aim to provide developers with advanced tools and resources to create captivating and interactivegames.Benefits include improvedsecurity,true ownership ofin-gameassets,and smooth integration with decentralizedapplications,setting the stage for a moretransparent,efficient,and innovative gamingworld.
We are excited to announce the launch of the Trikon BoosterProgram,specifically designed to support and empower gamedevelopers.This program includes various campaigns focused on improving thedevelopment,integration,and visibility of games within the Trikonecosystem.We plan to expand the”TrikonBooster”brand to other areas in thefuture,providing comprehensive support across differentdomains.
GameDevGrants:Financial support for developing and integrating games with the Trikonplatform.
GameDiscovery:Initiatives to enhance and increase game visibility anddiscoverability.
TrikonLaunchpad forGames:A specialized launchpad to help developers launch their games into themarket.
InvestorRelations:Facilitating connections between game developers and potentialinvestors.
ExclusiveCommunityAccess:Join a network oflike-mindeddevelopers and gamingenthusiasts.
PrioritySkins and NFTListing:Early access and priority listing forgame-relatedskins and NFTs on the Trikonplatform.
To kick off the Trikon BoosterProgram,we are introducing the GameDev Grants as our firstcampaign.These grants provide up to$1Million in funding to support projects at various stages ofdevelopment,from conceptualization to launch andgrowth.We aim to help innovative gaming projects achievescalability,high playerengagement,and positive uniteconomics.
Selected projects will gain not only financial backing but also mentorship from seasoned industry experts and access toTrikon’sexpansivenetwork.This is your chance to leverage ourcutting-edgeinfrastructure and be part of a community reshaping the future ofgaming.
2.Fill out the form with details about yourproject’sinnovation,developmentplans,and potentialimpact.
3.Submit your application via the Trikonwebsite,and let us help you take your gaming project to the nextlevel!
4.Our team will review applicationscontinuously,focusing on eachproject’sinnovation,viability,and potential impact on the gamingcommunity.
We encourage all eligible gaming projects to apply and explore the unique opportunities available through the Trikon BoosterProgram.AtTrikon,we are committed to nurturing the gaming community and shaping the future ofgaming.
- TheTrikonBoosterProgramprovidesessentialsupporttogamedevelopers,fosteringinnovationandgrowthwithintheWeb3gamingindustry.
- Comprehensivecampaignswithintheprogramcoverallaspectsofgamedevelopment,fromfundingtomarketlaunch.
- Financialbackingandmentorshipfromindustryexpertscansignificantlyenhancethesuccessprospectsofparticipatingprojects.