

Coinbase Refutes Accusation It Violated Campaign Finance Laws

Aug 3, 2024 #仮想通貨
Coinbase Refutes Accusation It Violated Campaign Finance Lawsコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Coinbase’s chief legal officer, Paul Grewal, denies allegations that the exchange violated campaign finance laws with a $25 million donation to a super PAC. The accusation suggests a conflict of interest due to Coinbase’s concurrent negotiations for a federal contract.


  • Coinbase accused of violating campaign finance laws.
  • Chief legal officer Paul Grewal denies allegations.
  • Coinbase’s donations timeline and legal defense.
  • Potential implications for Coinbase and campaign finance regulations.
  • Broader context of political contributions in the crypto industry.

Coinbase’s chief legal officer, Paul Grewal, has firmly refuted claims that the cryptocurrency exchange violated campaign finance laws. The allegations, brought forward by prominent crypto skeptic Molly White, suggest that Coinbase’s $25 million donation to the Fairshake super PAC in May 2024 was unlawful due to the company’s ongoing negotiations for a federal government contract.

In a detailed response on August 1, Grewal stated that Coinbase was not a federal contractor under the “plain language” clause of the Code of Federal Regulations 111.51. He emphasized that the funds involved in the request for proposal were paid out of the Assets Forfeiture Fund, which is not considered appropriated funds.

White’s report raised concerns about the timing of Coinbase’s contributions, highlighting donations of $5 million in November 2023, $15.5 million in December 2023, and $25 million in May 2024. She argued that these contributions fell within a prohibited period due to the federal contract’s timeline.

Despite the controversy, Grewal insisted that the contributions were lawful and accused White of spreading misinformation. Government affairs lobbyist Dr. Craigh Holman supported White’s stance, suggesting that it would be appropriate to file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

The Fairshake super PAC has raised over $202 million in 2024, with significant contributions from major crypto firms, including Coinbase. The PAC aims to support blockchain innovation by advocating for clearer regulatory frameworks.

This incident sheds light on the complex interplay between political contributions and regulatory scrutiny in the cryptocurrency industry. It also underscores the importance of transparency and adherence to legal standards in political financing.


  • The accusation against Coinbase highlights the scrutiny faced by crypto firms involved in political contributions.
  • Grewal’s defense emphasizes the technicalities of campaign finance laws and the nature of appropriated funds.
  • The significant fundraising efforts by the Fairshake super PAC reflect the growing political influence of the crypto industry.
  • The potential FEC complaint could lead to further investigations and impact future contributions from crypto firms.
  • Understanding the legal nuances of campaign finance laws is crucial for companies engaging in political activities.