

LI.FI Hack Compensation Plan Announced After $10 Million Breach

Jul 21, 2024 #仮想通貨
LI.FI Hack Compensation Plan Announced After  Million Breachコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

LI.FI, a cross-chain bridge protocol, has announced a voluntary compensation plan for users affected by a recent $10 million hack. The company will start contacting affected users about the compensation process, aiming to rebuild trust and ensure transparency.


  • LI.FI announces compensation plan for users affected by $10 million hack.
  • Compensation process to begin immediately, focusing on transparency.
  • Security breach highlights vulnerabilities in cross-chain bridge protocols.
  • Efforts to enhance security and rebuild user trust underway.

LI.FI, a cross-chain bridge protocol, recently experienced a significant security breach resulting in the loss of over $10 million in digital currencies. In response, the company has announced a voluntary compensation plan for affected users, aiming to rebuild trust and ensure transparency throughout the process.

Compensation Plan Details

The compensation plan will begin immediately, with LI.FI reaching out to affected users to guide them through the process. The company is committed to making users whole again and restoring confidence in its platform. This approach underscores LI.FI’s dedication to transparency and user satisfaction, despite the challenges posed by the security breach.

Impact of the Hack

The $10 million breach has highlighted the vulnerabilities inherent in cross-chain bridge protocols. As the crypto industry continues to grow, the need for robust security measures becomes increasingly critical. LI.FI is taking proactive steps to address these vulnerabilities, working with cybersecurity experts to enhance its security framework and prevent future incidents.

Efforts to Enhance Security

In the wake of the breach, LI.FI has intensified its efforts to strengthen its security protocols. This includes implementing advanced security measures, conducting thorough audits, and collaborating with cybersecurity firms to safeguard its platform. These steps are essential in rebuilding trust and ensuring the long-term security of user assets.


Community Response

The announcement of the compensation plan has been met with a positive response from the community, reflecting the importance of transparency and accountability. Affected users have expressed relief and appreciation for LI.FI’s proactive approach to addressing the situation and ensuring their losses are covered.


The LI.FI hack underscores the importance of robust security measures in the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi). By announcing a voluntary compensation plan and taking steps to enhance security, LI.FI aims to restore trust and demonstrate its commitment to user protection. As the company works to rebuild its reputation, the broader DeFi community will be watching closely to see how it navigates these challenges.

Additional Information

For more updates on the compensation process and LI.FI’s security measures, visit:
Twitter: https://x.com/li_fi