

New Zero Energy Storage Tech Could Lead to Immortal Blockchains

Jul 23, 2024 #仮想通貨
New Zero Energy Storage Tech Could Lead to Immortal Blockchains

Advancements in zero energy storage technology could pave the way for immortal blockchains, capable of storing data for millions of years without power. This article explores the potential and implications of such technology for the future of digital ledgers.


  • Zero energy storage technology could enable blockchains to store data for millions of years without power.
  • This technology includes DNA storage and Ceramic Nano Memory.
  • Immortal blockchains could preserve data through global outages or catastrophic events.

Recent advancements in zero energy storage technology could revolutionize the field of long-term data preservation, enabling the creation of immutable digital ledgers, or “immortal blockchains,” capable of storing data for millions of years without the need for power.

Total Catastrophe and Data Safety: Blockchain technology operates on the principle that data is safer in a decentralized ledger than on a centralized server. In the event of a local outage, data remains secure as long as other nodes are operational. However, a global blackout could jeopardize all electronic data storage.

Immortal Blockchains: Technologies like DNA storage and Ceramic Nano Memory offer solutions for extreme long-term data storage. DNA storage involves creating artificial fossils encoded with data, while Ceramic Nano Memory stores data on glass, theoretically allowing it to remain encoded indefinitely without degradation.

Future Applications: These storage methods could be used to preserve important documents, such as the Bitcoin white paper, in an indestructible format. They could also enable the resurrection of a blockchain network as it existed on a specific date, even after a global catastrophe.


  • Zero Energy Storage: Technologies like DNA storage and Ceramic Nano Memory could preserve blockchain data for millions of years, ensuring its longevity.
  • Data Safety: Decentralized ledgers protect data during local outages, but global catastrophes require more robust solutions.
  • Future Applications: Immortal blockchains could store crucial documents and potentially enable the resurrection of blockchain networks, preserving digital heritage through any future disasters.